Naff Tat! Do you mind! As you know we are moving to South Africa in few days time, and we have a lot of stuff. We are finding we have built u p a lot of stuff over 33 ye ars of marriage. We don’t have p iles of old newspapers or tins of spam from the 70s, b ut we have stuff. And lots of it! Our daughter Ruth has formed a W attsa pp group which reads .. Hi Guys! As most of you know, my parents are moving to SA to serve as missionaries with Mercy Air therefore they are currently in the process of emptying a big vicarage by May 11th. So, there’s a load of stuff they’re getting rid of which will generate funds to purchase a car in SA. If you’re interested, the price is up to you and will be paid through ‘Stewardship’. If you know someone else who might be interested, pass on the pictures. Absolutely no offence taken if you leave the group because you think it’s all naff tat! S o people have been...
Now back in the Birmingham England exploring what is next.