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Showing posts from August, 2018

Favorite painting, Favorite child.

      Having a favourite painting is like having a favourite child. It’s a No No!  I was interested in this article: The 15 Most Expensive Paintings Ever Sold Via Work + Money  ttps:// The headline of the article is all about the money, but I would encourage you to look beyond the money and the headlines to see what the artist is doing. I am now beginning to sound like someone who knows what he is talking about! Over the years, art has become important to me, and believe me that was a surprise. I think my love of painting sprouted out of my passion for music. As some of you know my relationship to the painted canvas began with my encounter with Rothko’s work in the Tate Modern, a spiritual charismatic (moment. So, back to: ‘favourite child, favourite painting’. Over the years Erin and I ga...

Mercy Air Trip to ASAM - Pastor Training

At the end of July we spent 6 days at ASAM (Mucombeze, Mozambique) with Dwight and Lynne Lagore and their team: Cessner 310 ready to go Sixty-six pastors were gathered (65 men and 1 woman), having travelled from some of the poorest and remote communities in Mozambique, to participate in the week-long intensive training school. Some of these are still working through the six-year training programme, while others have already graduated, and had come for ongoing teaching, encouragement and refreshment. They joined together with wonderful and generous hearts. The students tented accommodation and outdoor dining room. Each day began with prayers at 6.30am, and arriving at the training school, we were greeted with the sound of singing across the site; strong melodic voices, praising God. (see Nigel’s face book page As an Anglican, one of my two reference points for morning prayer was my study back home; where...

Looking out

For the past few weeks, Ruth (our daughter) has been visiting us.   We decided to take full advantage of the free labour and come up with a list of jobs for her to do so we now have a new improved look on the blog, an updated newsletter format, new crockery for the house and (most significantly) a large map on the wall of the Games Room here at Mercy Air. As we have settled into life here at Mercy Air, we have been stirred to create space and time in which to pray collectively.   The map is to assist us in our prayers.   It reminds us of the sheer magnitude of this continent of Africa (it only shows the 9 whole countries and part of 3 more).   It helps us to look out to the places where God is calling us.   We can locate on the map the partners we work with and travel to regularly and maybe shows us some opportunities for working in new areas.   Finally, it reminds us that our Father God has a heart bigger than this continent, for this continent. ...