My own personal reflections Easter Sunday 12 April 2020 My scripture is John 20, the story of Thomas, a character I cannot lose. What does the Resurrection and this encounter have to say to individuals, families, communities, mission organizations and institutions? As I do not function as a parish priest at the moment, the question is obviously for me and my context. We read the passage, and the Easter Story in general, as God’s mission, or act, to deal with sin. But what if we have acknowledged this redemption, and have already responded: is it just a reminder of God's actions? I have been reading Rowan Williams book ‘Resurrection’ , and the passage I have been returning to is this: ‘every proper proclamation of the Easter gospel, pointing to a hidden and exclusive Christ with one we can never simply and unconditionally identify, represents the same challenge, the same rejection the same call to ‘adulthood’. The resurrection calls for...
Now back in the Birmingham England exploring what is next.