Some of you may have detected I have been a bit church E, not overly religious, but over my lifetime have seemed to be drawn towards church. I do not know why this pull I have not always liked it, its not always liked me, I have often disagreed with it, it often disagrees with me. But still the pull is there. Sometimes I have been on the edge of church, other times I have been at the centre of its activities. I remember my first sabbatical (thank you Bishop David and Mark) I was driving away from Pype Hayes the weight of the responsibility falling away was an eminence freedom, thinking for the next three months I am not responsible for this church, on reflection it was like being saved again. Saved from the church. But I went back pulled back. This Sunday morning was first church service after the South Africa lockdown began, we are down to level 2 now. We met in our friend’s garden. Bring your own chairs, coffee, flask, mask, bible this is church paired down. But, and here is my ...
Now back in the Birmingham England exploring what is next.