About a million years ago, when I was an apprentice mechanic, a change in life happened. At the company I worked we took delivery of a new Bedford TK truck, heater and rubber floor mats optional! We climbed into and searched all over the new shiny toy, like children in a playground. Then someone asked “what’s that”? Behind the steering wheel where the speedo lived there was a large black, roundish clock. The foreman informs us in a overly smug way “it’s a tachograph”. It records everything the lorry and the driver does on a small piece of paper which is handed to the manager at the end of the working shift. At that point a driver steps into the crowd of inquisitive mechanics and apprentices and proclaims “Oh $%£* now they will know everything we do”. On reflection the tachograph was a clunky piece of kit that began a new way of tracking; where we are, what we are doing and what we are not doing. The tachograph was renamed the spy in the cab. It was seen very much as ...
Now back in the Birmingham England exploring what is next.