Dear All - A reflection of 2019 and on into 2020. The view from our house, a little different from the Tyburn Road Our first 18 months in South Africa ended with a trip to the UK in November when we had a chance to see many of our supporters. We had some very encouraging feedback from our Saturday Meet & Greet. It was encouraging to see so many people (around 70 we think). We were very grateful for the prayer on the day and we felt supported and blessed. Thank you for your prayers - impossible without them The first meeting of our Accountability Group was important to us, a group of 6 people who know us well and are keen supporters in what we are doing. Through all the things we have done in the Kingdom, church or secular, we have been accountable to someone. We do not see ourselves as lone cowboy and cowgirl! So in this season of our life we felt it was right to form an Accountability group, to share issues such as personal finance, personal issues, ou...
Now back in the Birmingham England exploring what is next.