I was and still am very unsure whether to post this blog. I still may regret it. I have always understood myself as strong male working-class urban solder normally ready for the conflict of the day. I used to say to my congregation occasionally if you knew me when I was 21 you would not like me. In my youth I was one half of the union rep who would go and bang on the managers desk for what seemed at the time important and usually unjust reasons. I once remember going to my manager and he giving bad news, my response was to say ‘that’s not fair!’ His response - ‘Who told you life was fair?’ I say this as a short introduction to my character. I am not like John the Beloved, quiet and reflective (but that is changing). I am more like Peter; impetuous, verbal, quick to promise, quick to react, but passionate for the cause. But there is a cost to being passionate and outspoken. The flip side for me is darkness and depression. Rejection of something you believe in your...
Now back in the Birmingham England exploring what is next.