I have just spent the morning preparing for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. My home made cross and prayers are in place (see other blog). I have set the large cross in the Lady Chapel and decorated it. During this time I was playing The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir ‘I’ll say Yes’. In 2009 I went to New York for a week with my daughter and under direction from my PA Franci we went to The Brooklyn Tabernacle, it was a taste of heaven not a foretaste but a taste now. It was there I first heard this song and on engaging with it I knew I would go back to Pype Hayes and my parish. I know it is emotionally charged and not of my culture or background, but there you go he is a strange God.
As I have put up the cross and hung the prayers and listened to the music on my own I found myself on my knees in front of the cross in tears. It is a good day to say yes to his will, for the prospects are bleak. If you do not know the ending of the Easter story then today there is no hope. All is lost.
At my time of life and after my recent journey perhaps saying yes is what today is for me. I could put saying yes off to a more hopeful day but yes on a Good Friday yes is always going to be in the shadow of the cross.
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