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Free NHS?

It seems that when moving from one country to another it is inevitable there is a new normal. After all, why move if everything is still the same. Part of the experience of being here in South Africa is to discover new ways of living in comparison to the old ways.

As we left our home country of almost 60 years there was a debate raging about  the NHS (National Health Service). This is an institution close to our hearts as Erin worked in the Pathology service (Microbiology) for over 20 years. Like many we took for granted the 'free at the point of delivery' value it offered to all.  I never really thought about the 6% of my stipend going to support the NHS. Like many I muttered under my breath when I had to wait too long in the doctors. I probably raised an eyebrow when I parted with my £8 something for a prescription. I had little thought to how much the medication cost to develop, make and dispense.  In my old normal  I took all this for granted. 

But the new normal here in South Africa is different. There are two lines of health provision here, the private and the public. The advice we were given by all missionaries, agencies and friends is “get private health insurance”. But my old normal is to have everything at the point of delivery FREE. I used to insure my car and my house, but not much else. Private health care was just for the wealthy.

So the new normal is to pay for private health insurance that keeps us out of the public hospitals and into immediate quality care without waiting. This costs £100 per month each. Then we have a GAP policy, which covers the difference between what the insurers standard rates per 'illness', and what the hospital and doctors actually charge, and that is £19 per month.  This gives a total is £238 per month, for both of us . However, this does not include any doctor’s appointments! Each appointment costs a minimum of £8 for each visit. So needless to say, the GP waiting rooms are not filled with coughs and colds.

I am also very aware that the people who use the health clinic in Msholozi, where Erin works, will never be able to afford private health care.

I reflect on this for three reasons; to offer you our alternative experience of health care from another part of the world, to ponder how long will the NHS be free at the point of delivery? And to say Thank You. 

Thank you to those who share in our vision and make it financially possible for us to be here serving with Mercy Air in South Africa. 


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