As we prepare to go on a mission trip to Mozambique for a short term, one of the poorest counties in the world, we leave this wonderful county of South Africa with many problems it needs to solve. I highlight just 2 today from the SABC news Chanel. One is concerning continued inequality and Erin and the medical team she is part of are in a local township today. The other issue is South Africa trying to keep the lights on. We have stage 4 load shedding which means the electricity in our area is off 07:00-09:30, 15:30- 17:30 and 23:00-01:30. Zimbabwe is worse but we are not there.
These are just two snapshots of this amazing country and the challenges its people are facing everyday
click on the links below to go to SABC news and of course please pray.
Inequality continues to grow in South Africa post 1994
So sad